Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Now and Next...

It has been a hectic couple of weeks but it all feels really positive. At the same time I have to keep reminding  myself that things don't just happen and I have to keep plugging away, getting little victories and positive outcomes that make you feel you are achieving your goals.

I was really pleased with the pictures I took last week around Newbury and I think these demonstrate how I am developing my skills and my style. If you didn't see my Facebook, I basically set myself the challenge of finding as many interesting things as I could in half an hour on a Friday afternoon in Newbury. And you know what, if you walk round with your eyes open there is LOADS going on! Flickr Newbury

And the other set that pleased me were the ones of Liz, or rather Liz's eyes! That was her brief, which I challenged back with "find me some pics you like and I'll try and reproduce". I loved that way of working and hope I can do much more stuff like that. See for yourself with the later pictures in this set: Flickr Liz

After the last post, you guys have also given me some great leads which I want to follow up on. Cheers for that.

So that's one side of the tale, the other is the business aspect. It was starting to trouble me a bit that I wasn't doing enough of this, but two things happened today that really got my enthusiasm up; I was asked to join a chat about business marketing which reminded me that I do know about this stuff and I can make it work for me (the chat was about someone else's business but every question I asked, I knew applied to mine too). The other thing was a chat with my friend Hannah, who is training to be a coach. These chats always make me realise how much I'm achieving and help me frame my next steps. She's going to be a great coach when she qualifies!

So what's next? Well trip of a lifetime to be honest! South Africa, World Cup, bit of golf and lots of safari! I cannot wait for the safari bits.What an opportunity to practice and hone my skills. Gonna be great, and a chance to do lots more blogging! You lucky, lucky people!! ;)

(Realise this is open but if anyone is thinking of robbing me, everything of value will be with me in SA, and my cat is savage!)

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