Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Stage 6 - Prestwick to Oban

Cycling is their passion. I can understand that. I don't share it in the same way but I can relate to it. Golf is mine. Which is why I will get up at silly o clock in the freezing cold, spend stupid money, and travel miles just to play. So when someone books a campsite next to one of the most historic courses in the game, I simply cannot resist. Prestwick held the first 12 Open championships, the biggest and oldest tournament. In all it has held 24 opens but the last was in 1925. Spookily the man who founded my club in 1975 is on the start sheet displayed in the clubhouse for that 1925 Open!

I got to play Prestwick today and it was brilliant to think ALL the early greats of golf trod those same fairways, and indeed many of the modern greats will have done too, probably, like me, in deference to this astonishing history. I felt privileged and humble.

I guess this is one way golf and cycling are similar, alongside the passion of the participants, in that you can play exactly the same places as the biggest names in the sport. Not many sports give that chance but I can play prestwick or birkdale or st Andrews if I choose. Likewise the boys could cycle the tour de France route, or Paris-roubaix, or the giro. Maybe that's the next challenge ;)

So no cycling photos today but some golf history shots, plus some nice views I took on the drive here after golf. Oh and I also played Dundonald today. Really rate that if you are near Irvine. See? Passion!

Drove here round loch lomond then the A85. That may be the best road iv ever driven on! Lots of fun ;) More tomorrow and back to following the cyclists.

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